Here’s What Kink You’re Into Based on Your Favorite Bust A Groove Character

It’s like astrology but more accurate. I’ll throw in their star signs too, via my interpretation. Ya know, for fun ✨

1) Heat

The Pyrophiliac
Sun Sign: Aries

This motherfucker is a pyromaniac. You know that kid with undiagnosed ADHD who was always a little too much fun growing up? The one who would try to goad you into stealing their moms car keys and taking her Toyota Camry out for a spin and called you a pussy when you said it was a bad idea? The one who is fueled purely by chaos, gushers, and energy drinks and LOVES to set shit on fire? This is who that kid grows up to be. In Heat’s case, that fascination with flames got a lil..erm… complicated around puberty and developed into a full blown pyschosexual obsession with fire. It’s one of the rarest kinks out there but I suppose that’s fitting for this one of a kind freak

2) Frida

The Sensualist
sun Sign: Pisces

Frida is a passionate woman who expresses her emotions through her paintings. Bold colors and daring strokes cover the walls of her beachside art studio that, without doors, is as open to the elements as she is. When she really starts fucking shit up on the dance floor it starts to storm. I imagine Frida is a bit of perv but in a wine snob sort of way. As kinky as the rest of them but with an air of refinement and sophistication. The type of art heaux who will dabble in things like wax and needle play to explore the relationship between suffering and artistic beauty or some shit.

3) Hiro

The Praise Kinkster
Sun Sign: Leo

Hiro is at once completely full of himself and totally insecure. You can tell he’s jacked off in the mirror more than a few times. Still, canonical game lore insists that despite his superiority complex he is deeply insecure with women. It is possible that our guy was a home of sexual and not yet ready to walk in his truth, but I suspect that just like a lot of you body worshipping freaks he just needs a lot of praise. And you know what? That’s okay. You are valid, and beautiful, and strong, and cool, and…

4) Hamm

The Hedonist/Feedist
Star Sign: Taurus

Hamm loves two things: burgers and bitches - in that order. The bitches are optional but the burgers are not. Who is feeding him the burgers? Irrelevant. Just know you will not get any play from this guy if you show up to the dick appointment without burger in hand.

Actual quote from the song on the Hamm level: “Uh-uh, don't you even try to come over here chilling and tell me you want a cheeseburger over me and my sexy body. You gotta be crazy, nigga!”

5) Gas O

The Experimentalist
Sun Sign: Aquarius

A literal mad scientist this dude is down for whatever and there’s nothing he won’t try at least three times. A real “scientific” method approach. Don’t be surprised if he takes multiple breaks during play to record your responses. Yes, even the part when you accidentally referred to him by your step-brothers name. Especially that part.

6) Kelly

The Adult Baby 

Star Sign: Cancer

So this one is canonical. The original Japanese version of the game references Kelly’s “fetish” for dressing up in costumes and roleplaying - in this case as an adult baby. Game lore emphasizes that her iconic jumpsuit is a custom rubber fetish suit. Oh my.

This was sanitized for the US release of the game but it is not hard to put together that this bitch is an adult baby. A controversial fetish even today, this was bold as hell to put in a game that was rate “E for Everyone” by the ESRB. Eventually, Kelly realized dressing up as a giant baby was not getting her the respect she desired from others, so in Bust a Groove 2 she dresses up as (impersonates) a cop to get her kicks. Oof. This list is only for the first game, but in the grand scheme of things Kelly is just generally a fetishist who enjoys powerplay and roleplaying. Naughty girl!

7) Strike

The Gunplayer

Star Sign: Sagittarius

This gun-toting perv is not shy about his gunplaying kink. He keeps not one, but TWO of them things on him at all times and he wears his custom harness literally everywhere (eyeroll).

8) Kitty - N

The Pet Player
Star Sign: Capricorn

This bitch is single-handedly responsible for the influx of queer millennial cat girls and I totally get it. She always serves cunt and vogues the house down. Green hair? ✔️ Pink Demonias? ✔️ Cat ears? .✔️That’s right bitch you got all your queer catgirl steeze from Kitty-N you ain’t slick.

Side Note: “Kitty-N” is short for “Kitty Nakijima,” and according to game lore, this feline heroine hates being called by her government and thus insists on “Kitty-N.” Every detail about this bitch is queerer than the next down to her dealing with being dead-named. A queer icon for sure 🌈✨

9) Shorty

The Brat
Star Sign: Libra

Shorty is a strong-willed, independent, somewhat precocious girl who gets everything she could ever want from her rich parents who dote on her. Even then, she’s got a bit of a lovable rebellious streak. She is not one to be told what to do - a sentiment any brat can relate to

10) Pinky

The Exhibitionist
Star Sign: Scorpio

The mysterious and beautiful Pinky. Canonically a go-go dancer in the US release (and a stripper in the Japanese version) Pinky is a woman who loves to be seen. A self-described psychic and “seer” it makes sense that this Tarot reading diva is in her element when all eyes are on her.

11) Capoeira

The Medical Kinksters
Star Sign: Gemini

These two are the medical kinksters of the bunch. Let’s hope you’re able to out-dance them after they abduct you. Otherwise you might wind up on the inspection table for a probing

12) Robo - Z

The Dominator
Star Sign: Virgo

Robo-Z only wants one thing and it’s domination. World Domination.


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